Help provide safe housing and education to women and girls living in extreme poverty because educated and empowered women transform communities.

Empower and educate women and girls


A woman’s power is the most underestimated thing worldwide, but we know - when women are empowered, communities transform.

388 million women and girls live in extreme poverty around the world, forcing them to be more vulnerable to sexual exploitation. Not having resources makes it more difficult to break the cycle of extreme poverty, and minimize the opportunity of becoming all she can be. We’re on a mission to change that.

Empower women with opportunities

Together, we can give women and girls more equal opportunities.

Here’s how you can help today:

Become a Catalyst for good

Catalysts are monthly donors committed to safeguarding and empowering women and girls to become all they are meant to be. Together, Catalysts provide safe housing and education to women and girls who have been overlooked in extreme poverty areas.

A gift of just $60 a month can support a girl to attend a safe boarding school for an entire school year.

What your support actually says:

YOU ARE worthy

YOU ARE enough

YOU ARE talented

YOU ARE capable

YOU ARE valuable

Our Story

Because of an instinctual urge to go to Africa, and a random conversation, I (Jess) took a trip to Uganda and saw first-hand the differences of available opportunities…especially for women. 

One night I traveled to a local village to speak with a group of 20 women involved in sex work. Acknowledging my privilege into which I was born, I had no idea what to share with them.  I’ve never been in their shoes..

And that’s when I shared all I knew in that moment:
how incredibly worthy, valuable and capable they are.

YOU ARE exists to be a light of love and empowerment for women and girls around the world.

For women and girls rising out of poverty and exploitation, this is shown through providing clean water, food, a safe place to lay her head, holistic health services, and providing education. Most importantly, she is intertwined within a community where she feels loved, heard and validated in who she is, and a path towards who she wants to become.

For women entrepreneurs or business owners, this is shown through a community where she feels empowered to utilize her gifts and talents, make an impact for women and girls across the globe, and build her brand equity of being a source of light and love.

Women rooting for women around the world.

Hear empow-HER stories

The communities we serve are filled with some of the most inspiring women and girls you’d ever want to meet. Their stories of ingenuity and resilience are examples for us all.



a person's belief in their ability to succeed; how they think, feel, and act towards a situation.

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