How to be a positive belief builder?

Mostly adults will be able to pin point a limiting belief that they have now, but what most people don’t realize is when that belief actually first started. 

Limiting belief is a belief that negatively impacts your life and prevents you from confidently taking action to be your authentic self. 


  • I am not good enough

  • I am not important

  • I am powerless

You get the jest of it.

At aN early age, we were imprinted by people that we interacted with. That could be a parent, teacher, guardian, coach, babysitter, family member, etc.

“Words are powerful and absolutely, 100% life-changing, positively or negatively.”

Words are powerful and absolutely, 100% life-changing. With children, this is no different—words impact their life, and can stick with them even until their adult age.

At my current school, I rotate to three different locations as their only Physical Education teacher. I get to teach each class only one time per week, which means, the children are only see me possibly one time per week.

If you are around kids, you can guess, as soon as they see me in the building for the first time…what do they do? 

“Jessica! Jessica! Jessica!” Literally shouting my name as if I am not right in front of them. Some even run up to me and give me a “bào bào” which is translated to “hug hug” in English.

And the way I react to this is SO IMPORTANT for children. 

Let’s say for example that I am in a grumpy mood that morning for some reason. The children greet me as sweet and excited as they typically do, but instead of responding positively to them, I completely ignore them or even respond with “no screaming in the hallways.”

In a child’s mind, and to be honest, even to adults, they will take this reaction as “I am not important” or “I am not good enough.” After a 10 second reaction, that completely changes a child’s belief.

This child may grow up easily and immediately believing in different situations that they are “not good enough” or “important.”

So how do we break this cycle and become a belief builder…


3 ways to be a belief builder instead of a belief breaker? 

  1. Give people your attention. I am so guilty of this because I get in the zone when I have something on my mind to get done, and when I am around people who are speaking to me, I constantly look down at the work I am doing, and pretend to be an expert multi-tacker (which there is no such thing). Stop what you are doing, and give them your attention. Communicate and make them feel heard and seen in that moment.

  2. Search for the source. A lot of times, especially with children, if something happens—mess turns up, refuses to do something, running late, etc. (the list can go on and on)—we automatically assume the child created this situation. Maybe the child doesn’t want to brush their teeth because the tooth brush hurts their gums; maybe the child was trying to help you clean the mess while you were gone, and the dog made it worse. Instead of jumping to the gun on things, ask questions like: “What makes you not want to brush your teeth?” “Do you know how this mess got here?”

  3. Give people power to be their authentic self. In the world, it is filled with opinions and point of views. What the world is not full of is one specific person. Take you for example, the Creator of the universe did not make another person like you. You are the one and only. There is mistakes made, and their is no second chances. You are the one and only, and that is powerful. Allow others to live out their power. We can do this by not creating things around what other people thinks. For example, say your daughter is wanting to get a hair cut that you do not necessarily like yourself. So your response is, “Why don’t you do something like this. I saw Sarah having this haircut a couple days ago.” Immediately loses the confidence of being her own, authentic self.

Words are life or death; it is a positive or negative belief. I encourage you to be conscious of the words that you are using, and more intentional in your efforts with interacting with others. Allow them to leave you better than they came…because YOU ARE a positive belief builder.


Truths of Being a Safe Space For Others
